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A Close Encounter of the...

Tom had arrived at the bar early that night as the gay bar scene goes, and was sitting at the bar nursing a drink when she walked in and sat down a few stools away from him. Okay, she wasn't "drop-dead-gorgeous," but she would really do quite nicely. How did he know she was a tranny? Well, this was a gay bar, so there was a pretty good chance that that's exactly what she was; nor did she so completely pass herself off as female that he couldn't guess. He picked up his drink and moved over to the stool next to hers and asked her if he might buy her a drink.

"Sure," she said, "and then I suppose you think you can take me home and fuck my brains out?"

"Well, the thought did occur, though I suspect my chances of doing just that are a little slim."

"Darling, they are a little worse than that, but I could use the drink," she said with a smile.

At least there was a smile. Nice tits and a bad attitude - hoping he could change the latter; he bought the drink and continued to talk to her. The fact that she would at least accept a drink and talk to him left open the eternal door of hope. After a short time, she did mellow out a little. They sat there and chatted for a couple of hours, about nothing much in particular. Her name was Samantha, which came from Sam from when she was completely a guy. Eventually, she told him she worked in a doctor's office, which is probably where she got the hormone pills, though he never asked. She must have done a little voice training too, because when it came to the feminine voice, she was pretty good at it. If he closed his eyes, her voice definitely passed her off as a chick; sort of along the lines of Mae West, but unquestionably a chick.

By nine that evening, she had mellowed to the point where Tom just might have been able to take her home and "fuck her brains out" as she had put it earlier. Unfortunately, she had to leave. She said she had to be up at an obscenely early hour the next morning. She told him that if he were still interested tomorrow evening, she would be back here around eight.

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