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A Fantasy in Pantyhose

We walked over to the couch and he motioned for me to have a seat. "I'll be back in a minute with the drinks" he said, and disappeared behind the sofa to what looked like a bar area behind an asian motif screen. I looked around a bit and noticed the guy had taste and class. It really was a nice place. I was just looking to my right at the couch and admiring the leather when he came up from the left of the sofa and said "your drink."

My mouth just about dropped. I must have looked like I just saw a ghost. There he was, standing there, offering me my drink, and all he had on was a pair of sheer to waist wolfords, nearly black and sandal toe. To top it off, he was sporting the largest erection I'd ever seen, tenting his pantyhose quite nicely. He was a good looking man I have to admit. About 6' 2", maybe 195lbs, trim with washboard abs, good rugged looks and chin and nice brown eyes. But there he was standing in front of me, his must have been 9" cock aimed straight at 10 o'clock and right to me. I think I was still dumbfounded when he handed me the drink, and I still don't remember drinking any, but the glass was half empty, when I finally recovered. He looked at me after a minute, still standing there in front and asked if I liked what I saw. I said again, like I said in the bar, that while he was good looking and damn, he filled the hose well, I was into women.

He smiled and said calmly "look down". I did. There was a nice bulge in my jeans and I only finally noticed it. I t was getting harder too. I turned that shade or red again. You know, that shade of red which is all the rage in lipstick lately. Hmmm... What's going on here? My bulge was getting bigger by the second and here I was in a strange man's apartment with him standing right in front of me with a cock aimed right at me.

I made to get up. I didn't make it... He put that hand on my shoulder again and suggested I get comfortable. "It must be getting tight in there" he said, flashing that grin at me again.

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