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Becoming a Wife

"Brian, I have never been happier since I met you. You are kind , generous, funny, and have an exceptionally gorgeous cock. But I wonder if we could have a bit more now."

"More?" enquired Brian curiously.

"Yes, more. You keep on inviting me back to yours to stay, and I think I have wanted to, but I have been secretly scared" "Scared?"

"Yes, scared of what it signals, well to me, anyway. You see I love being your girlfriend -- but I yearn to see what it would be like to be your wife, to look after your house, to tidy and clean, to welcome you home at night, to cook a meal for you, and then to satisfy you at night -- and in the morning."

"I see," Brian smiled. "Well let's see what we can do to make that come true, for I would like that very much." And with that he reached over and stroked her hair, and kissed her brow, and she knew that this was what she wanted.

The arrangements were made. H e had left her a key, and she was to let herself in mid-afternoon. Thereafter she was to clean and tidy, the dresser and wardrobe to the right of the bed would be clear for her clothes, she could stay for one night, the week --end, or longer. When he arrived at 7pm a hot bath was to be ready, and dinner served for 8pm.

She opened the door to Brian's house. The taxi driver offered to carry her two heavy suitcases upstairs for her. Lucy gratefully accepted, high heels and a shapely leg had worked their magic again. And then silence, and the enormity of what she was doing. First she carried the food shopping into the kitchen with what she needed for dinner. Then she returned upstairs to unpack. She had brought loads. Not so much for a long stay, but because she just wasn't sure what to wear and what she would need. Skirts, dresses tops were all efficiently hung up, shoes arranged at the bottom of the wardrobe. Then she moved to the dresser, and slid open the top drawer. THE top drawer, where her most intimate items of lingerie would rest in a shared bedroom. Mentally she "quartered" the draw, black, white pink and coloured panties. Then in the draw beneath, the same for the matching bras, then in the third draw hosiery, camisoles and slips. An ordered lingerie dresser was a good dresser.

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