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Blame Abba Chapter 2

There was a gentle tap at the door. I started a little, not expecting anyone, not wanting Eric or his wife to see me like this.

"It's OK, it's only Mary," said Jacqui.

That was worse! But Mary didn't laugh, she didn't make fun, she just looked me up and down as I stood there.

"Wow, Don, you look great. Are you ready for me now?"

Jacqui turned away, saying she was going to finish her makeup and get herself ready in the bathroom. Mary told me to sit down, not looking towards the mirror 'to give you a surprise later'. I looked at her, saying that I thought she looked good too, which she did. Her black-and-gold striped blouse was unbuttoned quite some way down at the front, and perfectly complemented her tight black leather miniskirt, black tights or stockings and high heels which were rather like mine. Mine!

"You really do look gorgeous, Mary. Are you going out?"

It must have been the way I asked, she looked rather surprised and then smiled.

"Oh, I know, what they say about me. I know. Let's just say that maybe some of it is true shall we? And yes, I am meeting - er - someone later. Now then let me slip this wig on so I can see what I have to work with. We got this at the TV shop in town, did you know such places have sales? Well they did, I have no idea why this was reduced but it was."
She slid onto my head, and clipped on securely, a wig. But a far better wig than the cheap dark brown one I had worn before. This was luxurious, it was longer, finer - and red. I was a redhead, I loved the idea! Mary brushed it through several times, then got back to the makeup.

"I used to be an Avon Lady you know, in my twenties, just to get a bit extra cash. I got quite good at it, I used to enjoy seeing people's reaction after I worked on them. I can't wait to see what we can do here."

She started to smooth a light cream over my face, giving a running commentary.

"Really smooth, Don. I can see you've shaved closely lately, a very nice skin, won't need much cover-up at all ...

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