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He heard the click! of her high heels on the landing and, when she entered the room bearing two steaming mugs, Colin was once again a model of decorum - if one ignored his femme attire and the embarrassing lump. She gave him a cup and then settled herself into the other end of the sofa: he noticed that she had several glossy magazines tucked under her arm that she place in the floor behind her. She also let her skirt fall back to reveal a bit of dark stockinged knee.

‘Would you like a ciggy?’ she asked, conspiratorially. ‘It'll have to be one of mine, and I roll my own. Yes?’

‘Please,’ Colin replied. Having a cigarette with an adult was very grown-up and he had been smoking on a regular basis for a couple of years. Even so, the first pull on Auntie Doreen's hand roll made him cough violently and she was most helpful, patting his back and the like. It didn't seem to matter that her helpful actions just happened to place her quite close to Colin.....and she didn't move away again. In fact, she also seemed to have forgotten all about the arm that rested lightly on his shoulders. The boy hadn't, though. Subsequent pulls on the rollup were easier, and Colin felt a subtle lassitude steal over his body.

‘This ciggy makes me feel.....well, sort of funny,’ he said, turning his face towards Auntie Doreen. He was surprised to find it so close to his: his view was filled with heavily made-up eyes and a bright red slash of a mouth. The lips were parted and a pink tongue flicked over them.

‘That's one of my special ciggies, lover boy,’ the lips whispered. ‘They make you relaxed, very sexy.....and make you forget you inhibitions.’

Colin certainly agreed that the cigarette relaxed him, and he'd never really stopped feeling sexy. ‘What's my.....inhibitions?’ he asked. He felt he should know but the meaning of the word escaped him in his current state. He felt the woman's hand resting on his thigh, caressing it slightly, and then he became aware that the arms flung to negligently over his shoulders had moved until the fingers flicked gently over his nipple. Both sensations were quite delightful.

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