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Hose and Heels in School - I'm a bad girl

"They look a little big for you?"

"Of course..these are for you... I'm going to be the stern schoolmistress and you will be my naughty schoolgirl. I'm sure we'll enjoy the game!" At that she produced a blonde wig and a makeup bad and said "OK, lets start making you a girlie.."

"Gee I'm not really sure if I want to? I dont mind the pantyhose and shoes but I dont know if I'm into the whole dressup thing?"

"Come on now my dear, like I said, we both have our needs, and yours were met last week, now its my turn to play the game a little"

She dragged me into the bathroom and made me shave. Twice to make sure that all the stubble was gone. She expertly applied foundation and then the rest of the makeup. I couldnt believe what I was seeing, before my eyes I was starting too look like a girl. The blonde wig went on my head and I was complete, I was a girl...

"OK, clothes on now..." and she handed me all the girly accoutrements. I slipped on the hose and frilly white socks and then the shoes. I could barely walk in them but I had to admit that they looked fantastic, and my dick was starting to respond accordingly. I put on the skirt and the top and that was it.
Liza leaned over and kissed me softly.

"I swing a bit both ways myself so you're the perfect answer for my problems, a chick with a dick! Now, let's play..."

She sat me at a small desk and put up a huge sheet of paper on the wall. I sat there dutifully, pretending to be a good schoolgirl.

"Right now Antoinette, can you tell me what this is?" and she drew a picture of a huge penis on the wall.

"Is it a banana?" I said?

"No you silly girl, its a penis, a wang, a huge throbbing cock. Now whats this?" and she drew a vagina this time.

"Umm I dont know Miss?"

"Oh you stupid girl..its a vagina, a cunt, a big sloppy, wet snatch. Oh god you're stupid, stand up and bend over that desk"

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