In only a fur and very little else…

Well... I drove about 50 kilometers that night all dressed up as you can see me in the picture... quite late in the evening in early November... A cold and damp winters night in other words. The pictures by the way can be seen on my profil...

I had never met the man before... So I was, I must add, quite apprehensive... I had parked my car a good way off in a dark lonely car park behind a closed supermarket and so just dressed as you see me in the picture, together with a small handbag or rather a purse with my car keys, my mobile switched on to flight mode, a little money, a handkerchief, a packet of condoms, a small tube of Vaseline and my make-up. So together with a little larger, rather stylish shoulder bag with a change of clothes and more make-up, I walked, in a roundabout way, about a 1/4 of mile through darkly lit side streets to the agreed meeting place, which was to be beside the local railway station.

As I have said, I had never met the man before, I had never even spoken to him, but I had agreed via e-mail and on one to one chats on MSN, to be picked up outside of the towns small railway station at just after ten o´clock that cold winter week-day night, not so very long ago.

We had corresponded over the internet for nearly two months. He had place an advertisement on a gay transgender site on the internet which I had responded to. In short, He was looking, and expected to meet with a “passable” transvestite and fully expected consensual sex!

He was right on time... as was I. There had been very few people about that night, and all of those I had been able to see, or could see me, me were busily on their way somewhere or another, but if I say so myself, I can be, at a quick glance, quite a convincing female figure, if I spend the time and effort in making the conversion that is. And earlier that evening I had spent a good five hours doing just that – “the conversion that is.” However I stand a good six feet in high heels and as the night was dark, damp and chilly, any onlookers who would have taken the trouble to notice, must have wondered what was that rather large ungainly woman in a fur coat doing out at that time of night in only skin colored nylons and high heeled open toed sling backs!

2012-02-28 by CarolGeorges 2,947 Views

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