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I wrestled long and hard with my thoughts and decided finally to go back down to the club to see if the emotions were just a one time event. I sat through the parade of tired strippers until finally Lady Suki made her appearence. I sat and watched her with a dreamy stare. I stayed for two more performances until it was near closing time.
The crowd had thinned out somewhat and the last stripper on the night was trying her best to solicite money out of the remaining patrons. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and looked up to see Lady Suki standing.
"I had to come out and thank you for seeing all my performances tonight," she said.
We had a couple drinks until the bouncers cleared the club and we were standing out in the parking lot.
"Do you have a ride?" I asked. Up to that point my conversation was a bit timid. I was in uncharted waters here.
"If you want to drive me back to my motel I'd appreciate it," she said.
I was still confused about my feelings and I still could not she this beautiful woman as a transexual or the fact that I desperately wanted to fuck her. These two emotions clashed up to the point when we pulled into the parking lot of her motel.
She invited me in for a few drinks.
"Get so lonesome on the road, " she said, squeezing my hand.
I was determined to remain sober so that all my actions could be honest and not results of the alcohol.
She went into the bathroom to change, leaving the door open quite wide, but I remained the gentleman and did not gawk at her. She emerged wearing a long white robe which opened briefly and revealed her cock dangling there between those exquisite thighs. I was seated on the edge of the bed when she came over. I felt a sudden burst of courage and opened her robe took her penis into my mouth. It grew under my gentle sucking. Its length extended barely five inches so it easily fit in my mouth--his balls bounched off my chin as he face fucked me. I had to peel back the foreskin and sucked on the tip, tasting a bit of precum.

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