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Marilyn's Family Reunion

When Kat stood erect again, in her hand was a brass ring about 3 inches in diameter. As Marilyn let out a sigh of relief, she jumped back onto the bed, looked into Marilyn's eyes and began to talk.

"You know, I got this as a souvenir from Japan. Something to remind me of what I survived. It's a cock ring I stole from one of the sex shows they used at the brothel where I was held captive. One of the regulars was just as thick as you are, and they used it to make him fuck for hours at a stretch. I thought it would be nice to play with too. However, I have another use for it now."

She held up Marilyn's semi-hard dick by the tip, then slid the ring down to the base of her shaft. The ring fit a bit loosely around her shaft, but not ridiculous so. Kat then looked into Marilyn's eyes and asked as clearly as she could…

"Will you marry me?"

Marilyn took Kat's head in her hand and drew it to her, kissing her lover firmly, then pulling away from Kat. She looked into Kat's eyes and nodded her head gently. She then pulled Kat back to her, pressing her breasts into Kat's as she tongue kissed her passionately, knowing that this feeling would never had to end.

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