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"Hello, James," she said.

He jerked upright in his chair.

"Don't worry," Sam said, "I'm not here to jump your bones." She held up her purse. "I forgot this."

"That's not why I jumped. I thought I was alone. You startled me."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She turned to leave. James looked at her ass, through the tight slacks she was wearing. His cock stirred at the sight of the sleek, round mounds. "Wait! Don't go."

She paused, turning, and James' gaze went to her breasts. "Why not?" she asked. "You have a new insult for me? Another joke at my expense? A vile name you haven't called me yet?"

"I haven't insulted you," James reminded her. "I haven't told any jokes about you, either, and I haven't called you any names other than 'Samantha.'" He paused, swallowed. "In fact," he admitted, "I'm attracted to you."

She laughed.

"Really," James insisted. "I am."



"Oh?" She waited, hands crossed below her magnificent breasts, her expression indicating that she knew some insensitive remark or offensive comment would be forthcoming.

James nodded. "I can't get the thought of you out of my mind."

Sam's posture relaxed somewhat, but she remained wary. "My having a penis and testicles doesn't bother you?"

"On the contrary, I find them unbelievably exciting. Fascinating, really."

"I didn't know you were gay."

"I'm not, or, if I am, I didn't know it, either, until I met you."

Sam lowered her arms. "You're really attracted to me?"

"'Attracted' is too mild. I'm obsessed with you. I can't eat or sleep or think because of you. In fact, I've been wanting to invite you to dinner and a movie."

Her eyes glittered. "You have?"


She smiled, as if she were flattered to hear of James' infatuation with her. Then, her eyes hardened. "Then, why have you allowed those pinheads, Ed, Joe, and Lou to insult me? Why have you let the ladies in the office gossip about me behind my back? Why haven't you said anything or done anything to defend me or to protect me?

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