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The Greatest Lie Part 19

He stood before me and circled his hands around my neck and squeezed it. He was much larger than I remembered him, and his face had taken on a brooding, bitter mien. I looked up and smiled.

"Before you kill me, perhaps you should sample the new me."

"Why should I kill you? The sin that you and Marta committed against me has already been avenged." He put his hands on either side of my head and tilted it back.

"Sins are forgiven, not avenged. Do you forgive me?"

"Suck me off, and let me fuck you again. Then, I'll decide."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Don't mess with me. I am just as powerful inside as out. How else would you find yourself in my cell so soon? I own the street, and I own this pen."

His arrogant smile had turned aggressive. Like most bullies, Miguel was a coward who substituted threats for courage, and cunning for understanding. But his words aroused my interest. How had he known that I was about to be jailed? It had come as a complete surprise to me.

"How could you be so sure?" His faced had turned defensive, as though he recognized his blunder. I decided not to confront him directly. "That I don't want to have sex with you?"

His face relaxed. "You liked the way I did you before?"

I nodded. "You were a little bit too rough the first time, but now, I think about you every time I cum. And that's a lot."

I stood up, and did a little strip tease. The too-big prison overalls slipped off my slender frame with a few pops of buttons and a couple of wriggles of my hips. I turn around and let him see my butt as I dropped ludicrous boxers, which were too big for my waist and legs, and too tight for my hips. I turned around to show myself in full frontal nudity. He let a low whistle.

"That's a fine looking pussy you got there. Nice tits, too."

"Made by the finest surgeons in Phuket, Thailand, and Brussels, Belgium."

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