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The Seductive Seed of a Tranny MILF

Jackson knew her name was Martha, though they did little more than share a hello from time to time. She was a mountain of a woman around the age of forty-five with tangled hair and sun-beaten skin. It was an open secret throughout the complex that Martha wouldn't exactly be welcome in a ladies' room in the south. Rumor had it that she not only had a cock, but that it was enormous.
She'd popped into Jackson's head because of her socks. She always had a few dirty, old socks hanging off the side of her laundry basket and anyone could tell that they were caked in cum. Jackson couldn't stop thinking about those crusty socks and how completely coated they were in dried jizz. He wondered if cum could really be the key to adding the kind of muscle he wanted so desperately. Was it a genuine superfood like those articles had suggested? If any man produced enough semen to make ingesting it worthwhile for that purpose, it had to be that woman by the name of Martha. Jackson bet she could out-cum a horse. So the question arose, how realistic was it that she could become his sperm source?
Jackson hopped out of bed and piled up the clothes off his floor. He hastily transferred the pile into his dirty clothes bag. He sped out the door and down the stairs to the laundry room not knowing what he'd say if he caught her in time.
He made it all the way down and discovered her still there. She was leaning against one of the machines going through her mail. Her dirty clothes basket sat on a washer. The socks hanging off it got Jackson's attention. Getting a good look at them unsettled his stomach, but he kept looking. He didn't know if his mind was playing tricks on him or if he could actually smell them from where he was standing.
"Looking for detergent?" Martha glanced up to ask.
Jackson realized she'd noticed him staring. "No, I'm good." He loaded up his washer and Martha began to do the same. He didn't have a plan. Didn't know what to say. "Would you let me drink your semen so I can bulk up and girls will like me, miss nice big cock woman?" didn't sound right. He wanted to strike the right tone.

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