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Who's She?

Of course Tony remembered. Suzy had dressed him up in her clothes and they'd spent the day as girlfriends. It was one of the fondest memories of his adolescence. He still spent many a lonely evening masturbating over the pictures she had taken of him in her clothes. He had tried to practise with the make-up but soon threw it away as he couldn't get the hang of it. He was now eighteen and the clothes she had given him at fourteen no longer fitted. Well, the G-string stretched nicely, so he still wore that … in fact he wore it quite often ...

“No. Remind me.”

“Remember when I pretended to practise my make-up on you?”


“Of course I was only pretending. Didn't you realise how good a job I was doing from day one?”

“Well, I just thought you wanted to try different styles to use in the future.”

“No, Tony. I wanted to see how good you looked as a pretty girl. And the answer was you looked amazing. In fact that was why I had to stop.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you looked so damned hot it was hard to keep my hands off you that day. I love those photos I took of you. Be honest, I bet you masturbated over those pictures didn't you?”

Blushing, Tony just nodded.

“Would you be surprised if I told you that I still masturbate over those photos of you? You were hot as a girl. I bet you can still pull it off. Did you use the make-up I gave you?”

“As we're being honest with each other, yes, I did try. But I was awful and threw it away after a couple of weeks. I wore the underwear to bed every night for weeks. When I had the house to myself, I also walked around in the mini skirt and top, but they soon got too small for me. But the G-string, that I still wear sometimes.”

“That's so hot Tony. But a shame you've not been fully dressed since that day. I think I have an idea about tomorrow. Come around at 11 and we can start working on our outfits.”

Suzy pulled Tony in to a big bug and kissed him on the lips. They last time they had hugged, Suzy was only fourteen. Now at eighteen her tits felt wonderful squashed between the two of them. He knew that if he could feel her breasts, she would be able to feel the erection growing in his trousers.

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